Tasting Notes

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Industry insights

Wine Business Daily

A compilation of the latest news within the wine industry from respected publications. Features a regional area that provides insight into local-level news.

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Shanken News Daily

Provides wine and spirit industry updates. Usually, the first outlet to release breaking news. They also publish the Market Watch magazine which features new releases, trends, and people on the move.

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Mark Brown

The “go to” guy for daily updates on all things industry based locally, nationally and globally. You can get on his list at mbrown@buffalotrace.com (yes, he’s a real person!)

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Nation's Restaurant News

You can select a variety of updates to receive about the beverage industry, including Fast Casual concepts, marketing and more.

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The most trusted, accurate and widely used source for beverage alcohol trends in the world. Provides downloadable reports.

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McKinsey - Women in the Workplace 2022 Report

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SevenFifty Daily - The business and culture of drinks

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